
During our time during this semester we are given the oppurtunity to experience different workshops which I shall post bits about at a later date. One that I was able to apply to this project was the Premiere Pro film worshop. This is a program that allows you to edit film however you want. Using the fundemenatal skills from this workshop I was able to create snippets of what I thought would look interesting.
This is a prototype plan:
Aspects of human behaviour to involve in my 5 minute film:
Habitual movements - messing with hair (especially for girls), nail biting, yawning, rubbing eyes, and itching -taking in consideration the research- repetitivness, worn feel - eel home movie like -not to be perfect- as human behaviour is never perfect-picking out the little bits of human behaviour that is ignored - isolating the behaviour that we ignore ( taken from research of looking into weegee etc.)

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